Last year, I was approached to create a large, contemporary art piece based on a family’s travels abroad . I knew the family was open to my style of art, but was unsure as to how I could recreate their experiences in a compelling way. This was my first challenge. Well luck have it, I had asked them to save every ticket, map, receipt, pamphlet, visitor guide, card, etc. that they came across in their travels. The original plan was to recycle them into my art, when they proved useful for a certain piece; but now I had a clear purpose. I would use them to document the trip in a less conventional way. The result was the piece below:
The next challenge was integrating the items into a design that represented my style. I often use many layers of collaged items and paint to get to a finished piece . I primarily work on wood panels so that I can sand into the hidden layers, and reveal parts of the piece’s history. I approached this work the same way, using multiple layers of collage and transparent/opaque paint. My goal was to complete a piece which from a distance showed off it’s design but close up, revealed hidden treasures from this family’s travels.
Some critics may ask how one can feel inspired to create art from someone else’s experience, but it wasn’t an issue for me. I mapped their travel agenda, scoured through travel photos, felt the joy, envisioned myself in their adventures and expressed them through color, markings, paint and of course the hidden treasures.
It truly was a pleasure working on this piece. If you happen upon this blog and have something you wish to memorialize into a work of art, please use the “contact” link above. I am always open to commissions and challenges.